11 Factors for employbility


A large part of any job role is to understand responsibilities assigned to you and to ensure consequent follow throughs. Therefore, it is crucial to be able to comprehend instructions and execute tasks assigned to you, so that your efforts help in achieving objectives in the manner desired by the organisation.


In order to learn and acquire new skills, you have to often go beyond the curriculum to stay ahead of the competition. This is the reason that most employers emphasise on the inclination to learn because it is directly linked to your ability to learn independently and strive for growth.


Effective communication is one of the most important skills required from an employee. Professional communication has multiple mediums which include reading, writing, speaking and listening, each of which require special attention to master. How effectively you can communicate also has an impact on your overall professional skill-set.


Cohesiveness is an essential factor that determines how well you integrate within the organisational culture, as well as how you achieve mutual growth with your peers and mentors. Your ability to get along with people, and understanding organisational dynamics helps in not only executing daily performance, but also sustaining long-term success.


Growth in an organisation requires effort that goes beyond attendance. It is necessary for you to be present, as well as be participative in your organisation. To build engagement in an organisation, performing well on the assigned tasks has to be coupled with taking initiative, being abridged with the developments and being well integrated with the overall organisational culture.


Structured Approach is a key trait in professional success. It is important to structure both your performance and the manner in which you approach your role at large. A structured approach means finding the best way to perform tasks and setting up a process that ensures consistency in maintaining high levels of performance.


While performing a task, it is necessary to learn how to manage distractions and stay focused on the instructions that need to be followed. Developing your focus helps in filtering out irrelevant information and investing your efforts in the actual objective, thus increasing individual efficiency as well as overall effectiveness of the team.


Every workplace environment has an element of stress, which can be due to various reasons in your professional or personal life. It is important to understand that stress in itself is necessary and inevitable, while also realising that stress needs to be managed actively and regularly in order to perform well despite situational hurdles.


Every individual has personal and professional aspirations, however what makes you stand out is your inner drive to succeed despite the challenges you face. Motivation as a skill is not just aimed at achieving long term goals, but also in helping you derive gratification from any task allotted to you.


As a member of any organisation, you are an ambassador of the values held by them. It is important to understand the ethical boundaries of your role and to adhere to them. Work Ethic is a collection of all such values including integrity, honesty and punctuality, all of which must be a part of your professional conduct.


Mental Acuity, commonly referred to as sharpness of the mind, is directly related to performance and its outcome. It is the intersection between the speed and accuracy of your thoughts and decision-making, which may require mathematical, linguistic or technical knowledge based on different roles. Mental Acuity plays a vital role in your ability to perform daily tasks.

Know Your Score

GRADE Analysis Report

  • Employability Score
  • Industry Expectation Cut-offs
  • Skill Inventory
  • Strengths and Weaknesses Classification
  • 11-Factors Analysis
  • Scholarship Eligibility
  • Paid Internship Eligibility
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